Digital etnografi

Digital etnografi Digital etnografi er betegnelsen for en etnografisk metodisk tilgang, som foregår online eller ved hjælp af digitale teknologier. Der findes ikke én definition af digital etnografi, da metoden udfoldes og defineres forskelligt inden for de forskellige akademiske discipliner, hvor den bliver anvendt, det være sig antropologi, sociologi, designstudier og medie- og kommunikationsforskning (Pink […]

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Emneredaktør David Mathieu
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Hine 2017, Kozinets 2019, Larsen 2018, Postill & Pink 2012


Ardévol, Elisenda & Gómez-Cruz, Edgar (2014). “Digital ethnography and media practices”. I: Valdivia, Angharad m.fl. (red.). The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, s. 498-518

Bonilla, Yarimar & Rosa, Jonathan (2015). “#Ferguson: Digital protest, hashtag ethnography, and the racial politics of social media in the United States”. American Ethnologist, 42 (1), s. 4-17

Correll, Shelley Joyce (1995). “The ethnography of an electronic bar: The lesbian café”. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 24 (3), s. 270-298

Davies, Charlotte Aull (2008). “Internet ethnography”. I: Reflexive Ethnography: A Guide to Researching Selves and Others (2. udgave). London: Routledge, s. 151-170

Dennen, Vanessa P. (2012). “When public words are not data. Online authorship, consent, and reasonable expectations of privacy”. I: Heider, Don & Massanari, Adrienne (red.). Digital Ethics: Research and Practice. New York: Peter Lang, s. 21-38

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Góralska, Magdalena (2020). “Anthropology from home: Advice on digital ethnography for the pandemic times”. Anthropology in Action, 27 (1), s. 46-52

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