Sociale medier og arbejde

Sociale medier og arbejde Sociale mediers rolle i at omforme arbejdslivet har været genstand for både offentlig debat og forskning (Fusi & Feeney 2018; Leftheriotis & Giannakos 2014). Hvorvidt disse medier er undergravende eller understøttende for arbejdslivet, er et omstridt emne med flere kontekstafhængige svar (Bagger 2021). Først og fremmest bliver sociale medier anklaget for […]

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Forfatter Christoffer Bagger
Emneredaktør Jesper Tække
Se også Smart cities
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Bagger 2021; Duffy 2017; Gandini 2020


Abidin, Crystal (2016). “Visibility labour: Engaging with Influencers’ fashion brands and# OOTD advertorial campaigns on Instagram”. Media International Australia, 161 (1), s. 86-100

Bagger, Christoffer (2021). “Social media and work: A framework of eight intersections”. International Journal of Communication, 15, s. 2027-2046

Cunningham, Stuart & Craig, David (2019). “Creator governance in social media entertainment”. Social Media+ Society, 5 (4).

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Duffy, Brooke Erin (2017). (Not) Getting Paid to Do What You Love: Gender, Social Media, and Aspirational Work. New Haven: Yale University Press

Duffy, Brooke Erin; Pinch, Annika; Sannon, Shruti & Sawey, Megan (2021). “The nested precarities of creative labor on social media”. Social Media+ Society, 7 (2)

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Gandini, Alessandro (2021). “Digital labour: An empty signifier?” Media, Culture & Society, 43 (2), s. 369-380. 10.1177/0163443720948018

Glatt, Zoë (2021). “We’re all told not to put our eggs in one basket: Uncertainty, precarity and cross-platform labor in the online video influencer industry”. International Journal of Communication, 16, s. 1-19

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Gray, Mary L. & Suri, Siddharth (2019). Ghost Work: How to Stop Silicon Valley from Building a New Global Underclass. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

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