Film og globalisering

Film og globalisering Globalisering vedrører både økonomi, politik, kommunikation og kultur (globalisering). Som Held m.fl. skriver i Global Transformations (1999), er den mest basale definition af globalisering, at det handler om at flytte objekter, tegn og mennesker på tværs af regioner og internationalt rum. Samfund, kultur og kommunikation er altid knyttet til lokale, nationale, regionale […]

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Forfatter Ib Bondebjerg
Emneredaktør Birger Langkjær
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Bondebjerg 2015, Hjort 2005


Agger, Gunhild (2015). “Strategies in Danish Film Culture – and the Case of Susanne Bier”. Kosmorama #259:

Appadurai, Arjun (1996). Modernity at Large. Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Bondebjerg, Ib (2012). “Images of Europe, European Images: Postwar European Cinema and Television Culture”. I: Stone, Dan (red.). The Oxford Handbook of Postwar European History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 649-667

Bondebjerg, Ib (2014). Engaging with Reality: Documentary and Globalization. Bristol: Intellect Books

Bondebjerg, Ib (2015). “Regional and global dimensions of Danish Film Culture and Film Policy”. I Hjort, Mette & Lindqvist, Ursula (red.). A Companion to Nordic Film. Oxford: Wiley

Bondebjerg, Ib & Bondebjerg, Ulla (2017). Dansk film og kulturel globalisering. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur

Bondebjerg, Ib & Redvall, Novrup (2011). A Small Region in a Global World. Patterns in Scandinavian Film and Media Culture. København: Center for Modern European Studies

Kroes, Rob (1996). If You’ve Seen One, You’ve Seen Them All. Europeans and American Mass Culture. Chicago: University of Illinois Press

European Audiovisual Yearbook (2021-22). Key Trends

Held, David m.fl. (1999). Global Transformations. Politics, Economics, Culture. Stanford: Stanford University Press

Herman, Edward S. & McChesney, Robert W. (1997). The Global Media. The New Missionaries of Corporate Capitalism. London: Cassell

Hjort, Mette (2005). Small Nation, Global Cinema. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Jäckel, Anne (2003). European Film Industries. London: BFI

Liz, Mariana (2016). Euro-Visions. Europe in Contemporary Cinema. London: Bloomsbury

Pells, Richard (1997). Not Like Us. How Europeans Have Loved, Hated and Transformed American Culture Since World War II. New York: Basic Boooks

Straubhaar, Joseph (2007). World Television. From Global to Local. South Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications

Tomlinson, John (1999). Globalization and Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press

Urban, Greg (2001). Metaculture. How Culture Moves through the World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Wood, Mary (2007). Contemporary European Cinema. London: Arnold Hodder