Morley, David

David Morley David Morley (1949-) er britisk sociolog og medieforsker. Han er især blevet kendt for sit empiriske studie, The ‘Nationwide’ Audience: Structure and Decoding (1980), som skulle teste Stuart Halls tese om den aktive læser (Hall 1973/1980). Også Morleys næste bidrag til medieforskningen, Family Television: Cultural Power and Domestic Leisure (1991, 1986), bygger på et empirisk […]

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Forfatter Barbara Gentikow
Emneredaktør David Mathieu

Hall, Stuart (1973/1980). “Encoding/decoding in the Television Discourse.” I: Stencilled Occasional Papers, Centre For Contemporary Cultural Studies University of Birmingham 1973-75, 7. Genoptr. som “Encoding/Decoding” i: Hall, Stuart; Hobson, Dorothy; Lowe, Andrew & Willis, Paul (red.) (1980). Culture, media, language. Working papers in cultural studies, 1972-79. London: Hutchinson, s. 128-38

Morley, David (1980). The ’Nationwide’ Audience: Structure and Decoding. London: British Film Institute

Morley, David (1986). Family Television: Cultural Power and Domestic Leisure. (Comedia series, 37). London:  Comedia. [Genoptr. 2005, Routledge]

Morley, David (1992). Television Audiences and Cultural Studies. London: Routledge

Morley, David (2000). Home Territories: Media, Mobility and Identity. London: Routledge

Morley, David (2006). Media, Modernity and Technology: The Geography of the New. London: Routledge