
Affordance Begrebet affordance blev oprindeligt introduceret af den amerikanske perceptionspsykolog James J. Gibson i “The Theory of Affordances”(Gibson 1977). Ifølge Gibson manglede der et navneord i forlængelse af verbet to afford, så han opfandt begrebet an affordance, som han beskriver nærmerei bogen fra 1979 The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Gibsons affordance-begreb bygger på perceptionspsykologien […]

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Forfatter Lisbeth Thorlacius
Emneredaktør David Mathieu
Supplerende læsning

Graves 2007, Have & Stougaard Pedersen 2013


boyd, danah (2011). “Social Network Sites as Networked Publics: Affordances, Dynamics, and Implications.” I: Papacharissi, Zizi (red.). A Networked Self: Identity, Community, and Culture on Social Network Sites. New York: Routledge, s. 39-58

Brügger, Niels (2002). “Theoretical Reflections on Media and Media History.” I: Brügger, Niels & Kolstrup, Søren (red.). Media History: Theories. Methods. Analysis. Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, s. 33-66

Gibson, James J. (1977). “The Theory of Affordances”. I: Shaw, Robert E. & Bransford, John D. (red.). Perceiving, Acting and Knowing: Towards an Ecological Psychology. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum / New York: Wiley,  s. 67-82

Gibson, James J. (1979). The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin. [Genoptr. 1986, Lawrence Erlbaum og 2015, Routledge]

Graves, Lucas (2007). “The Affordances of Blogging: A Case Study in Culture and Technological Effect”. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 31 (4), s. 331-346.

Have, Iben & Stougaard Pedersen, Birgitte (2013). “Sonic mediation of the book: affordances of the audiobook.” MedieKultur, 29 (54), s. 123-140

Hutchby, Ian (2001). “Technologies, Texts and Affordances.” Sociology, 35 (2), s. 441-456

Kammer, Aske (2019). “Researching Affordances.” I: Hunsinger, Jeremy; Klastrup, Lisbeth & Allen, Matthew M. (red.). Second International Handbook of Internet Research. Dordrecht: Springer, s. 337-349

Nagy, Peter & Neff, Gina (2015). “Imagined Affordance: Reconstructing a Keyword for Communication Theory.” Social Media and Society, 1 (2)

Norman, Donald A. (1988). The Psychology of Everyday Things. New York: Basic Books [Rev. udg. 2002 (som The Design of Everyday Things) og 2013]

Norman, Donald A. (1999). “Affordance, Conventions and Design”. ACM Interactions, 6 (3), s. 38-42

Norman, Donald A. (2008). “The way I see it – Signifiers not Affordances.” ACM Interactions, 15 (6), s. 18-19

Norman, Donald A. (2013). The Design of Everyday Things. Rev. og udv. udg. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press [1. udg. 1988 som the Psychology of Everyday Things. 2. udg. 2002 som The Design of Everyday Things]

Oliver, Martin (2005). “The Problem with Affordance”. E-Learning, 2 (4), s. 402-413. [Tilgængelig fra]

Reid, Fraser J.M.  & Reid, Donna J. (2010). “The expressive and conversational affordances of mobile messaging.” Behaviour & Information Technology, 29 (1), s. 3-22