Hall, Stuart

Stuart Hall Stuart Hall (1932-2014) er en indflydelsesrig britisk kulturteoretiker, født på Jamaica, der har lagt vigtige teoretiske fundamenter og inspireret andre medie- og kulturforskere (fx David Morley), medens han var leder af Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) ved University of Birmingham (også kendt som Birmingham-skolen) i 1970’erne. Senere har Hall spillet en central […]

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Forfatter Ingunn Hagen
Emneredaktør Jesper Tække
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Schrøder 2013


Hagen, Ingunn (1998a). Medias Publikum. Frå mottakar til brukar? Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal

Hall, Stuart (1973/1980). “Encoding/decoding in the Television Discourse.” I: Stencilled Occasional Papers, Centre For Contemporary Cultural Studies University of Birmingham 1973-75, 7. Genoptr. som “Encoding/Decoding” I: Hall, Stuart; Hobson, Dorothy; Lowe, Andrew & Willis, Paul (red.) (1980). Culture, media, language. Working papers in cultural studies, 1972-79. London: Hutchinson, s. 128-38

Hall, Stuart (1992). “The Question of Cultural Identity.” I: Hall, Stuart; Held, David & McGrew, Tony (red.). Modernity and Its Futures. Cambridge: Polity in Association with the Open University, s. 274-316

Hall, Stuart (1996). “Introduction: Who needs ‘identity’?” I: Hall, Stuart & du Gay, Paul (red.). Questions of Cultural Identity. London: Sage

Morley, David (1980). The ’Nationwide’ Audience: Structure and Decoding. London: British Film Institute

Schrøder, Kim Christian (2013). “Socio-cultural models of communication.” I: Cobley, Paul & Schulz, Peter (red.). Theories and Models of Communication. (Handbooks of Communication Science, 1). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton

Wasko, Janet & Hagen, Ingunn (red.) (2000). Consuming Audiences? Production and Reception in Media Research. Cresskill, N. J.: Hampton

Wren-Lewis, Justin (1983). “The encoding/decoding model: criticisms and redevelopments for research on decoding.” Media, Culture & Society, 5, s. 179- 97