Sociale netværkstjenester

Sociale netværkstjenester Sociale netværkstjenester (SNSs: “social network sites”, “social networking sites/services”) er en fællesbetegnelse for nettjenester som tilbyder brugeren 1) at konstruere en offentlig eller semi-offentlig profil inden for et afgrænset system, 2) at knytte kontakter med venner og bekendte gennem en kontaktliste, og 3) at udforske kontaktlisterne og kontakternes profiler (evt. også profilerne på brugere, […]

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Forfatter Marika Lüders
Emneredaktør Jesper Tække

Boyd, Danah M. & Ellison, Nicolle B. (2007). “Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13 (1), article 11. <> Set 10.o1.2013)

Chaffey, Dave; Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona; Johnston, Kevin & Mayer, Richard (2009). Internet marketing: strategy, implementation and practice. 4. udg. Harlow: Pearson Education/Financial Times Prentice Hall [5. udg. Ny titel: Digital Marketing, 2012]

Ellison, Nicole B.; Steinfield, Charles & Lampe, Cliff (2007). “The Benefits of Facebook ‘Friends’. Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12 (4). [Online-udg. <> Set 28.02.2013]

Fuchs, Christian (2011). “An alternative view of privacy on Facebook.” Information, 2 (1), s. 140-165. [Online-udg. <> Set 28.02.2013]

Goffman, Erving (1956/1959). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. 1. udg. University of Edinburgh, 1956. [Ny udg. New York: Doubleday, 1959] [Norsk/da. overs. 1974/1992]

Lenhart, Amanda & Madden, Mary (2007). Teens, Privacy and Online Social Networks. How teens manage their online identities in the age of MySpace. [Online-udg. <> Set 28.02.2013]

Livingstone, Sonia (2008). “Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation. Teenagers’ use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and self-expression.” New Media Society, 10 (3), s. 393-411 [Online-udg. <> Set 28.02.2013]

Noveck, Beth Simone (2009). Wiki government. How technology can make government better, democracy stronger, and citizens more powerful. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press

Turkle, Sherry (2011). Alone Together. Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. New York: Basic

Utz, Sonja (2009). The (Potential) Benefits of Campaigning via Social Network Sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14 (2), s. 221-243 [Tilgængelig online. Set 28.02.2013]

Valenzuela, Sebastián; Park, Namsu & Kee, Kerk F. (2009). “Is There Social Capital in a Social Network Site? Facebook Use and College Students’ Life Satisfaction, Trust, and Participation”. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14 (4), s. 875-901. [Tilgængelig online. Set 28.02.2013]