Medialisering af sport

Medialisering af sport Med medialisering af sport forstås den historiske proces, hvor medier af enhver slags medvirker til at forandre sport – og også selv bliver forandret. Det kan være forandringer af både individuelle og organisatoriske praksisser, samt af sociale interaktioner og værdier inden for sport. Eksempler er, når medieaktører medvirker til at udvikle sportsturneringer, […]

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Forfatter Kirsten Frandsen
Emneredaktør Jesper Tække

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Birkner, Thomas & Nölleke, Daniel (2016). “Soccer Players and their media-related behavior: A contribution on the mediatization of sports.” Communication & Sport, 4 (4), s. 367-384

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Frandsen, Kirsten (2020). Sport and Mediatization. London / New York: Routledge

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Kopecka-Piech, Katarzyna (2019). Mediatization of Physical Activity. Media Saturation and Technologies. New York / London: Lexington

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Nölleke, Daniel & Birkner, Thomas (2019). “Bypassing traditional sports media? Why and how professional volleyball players use social networking sites.” Studies in Communication and Media, 8 (3), s. 287-310

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