Sociale medier og kollektiv handlen

Sociale medier og kollektiv handlen Brugen af sociale medier til kollektiv handlen betegner sociale bevægelsers anvendelse af sociale netværkstjenester og andre digitale medier, der faciliterer interaktion og brugerskabt indhold. Det er fortrinsvis sociale mediers kapacitet til at muliggøre billig og hurtig spredning af information til et bredt publikum, som medieforskere har fremhævet som faciliterende for […]

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Forfatter Julie Uldam
Emneredaktør David Mathieu
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Dahlgren 2013


Bennett, W. Lance & Segerberg, Alexandra (2013). The Logic of Connective Action. Digital Media and the Personalization of Contentious Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Calderaro, Andrea & Kavada, Anastasia (2013). “Online Collective Action and Policy Change.” Policy & Internet, 5 (1), s. 1-6

Cammaerts, Bart (2009). “Radical pluralism and free speech in online public spaces. The case of North Belgian extreme right discourses.” International Journal of Cultural Studies, 12 (6), s. 555-575

Curran, James; Fenton, Natalie & Freedman, Des (2012). Misunderstanding the Internet. New York: Routledge

Dahlgren, Peter (2013). The Political Web: Media, Participation and Alternative Democracy. Basingtoke/Hampshire: Palgrave

Fenton, Natalie & Barassi, Veronica (2012). “Alternative Media and Social Networking Sites: The Politics of Individuation and Political Participation”. The Communication Review, 14 (3), s. 179-196

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Lievrouw, Leah (2011). Alternative and Activist New Media. Malden, Mass.: Polity Press

Uldam, Julie (2013). “Activism and the Online Mediation Opportunity Structure: Attempts to Impact Global Climate Change Policies?” Policy & Internet, 5 (1), s. 56-75

Uldam, Julie & Askanius, Tina (2013). “Online Civic Cultures: Debating Climate Change Activism on YouTube.” International Journal of Communication, 7, s. 1185-1204