Organisationers kommunikative konstituering

Organisationers kommunikative konstituering Det er i dag blevet almindeligt at opfatte kommunikation som performativ, hvilket vil sige, at man kan handle kommunikativt – eller ‘gøre ting med ord’, som Austins (1962) sproghandlingsteori siger det. En af de retninger indenfor kommunikationsforskningen, der begynder fra denne præmis, er teorien om organisationers kommunikative konstituering – eller ‘the communicative […]

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Cooren, Kuhn, Cornelissen & Clark 2011, McPhee & Zaug 2000


Ahrne, Göran & Brunsson, Nils (red.) (2019). Organization Outside Organizations. The Abundance of Partial Organization in Social Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Ashcraft, Karen Lee; Kuhn, Timothy R. & Cooren, François (2009). “Constitutional amendments: ‘Materializing’ organizational communication”. Academy of Management Annals, 3 (1), s. 1-64.

Austin, John L. (1962). How to Do Things with Words. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press

Boivin, Geneviève; Brummans, Boris H. J. M. & Barker, James R. (2017). “The institutionalization of CCO scholarship: Trends from 2000 to 2015”. Management Communication Quarterly, 31 (3), s. 331-355.

Burke, Catriona M. & Morley, Michael J. (2016). “On temporary organizations: A review, synthesis and research agenda”. Human Relations, 69 (6), s. 1235-1258.

Christensen, Lars Thøger & Christensen, Emma (2022). “Preparing the show: Organizational ventriloquism as autocommunication”. Organizational Theory, 3 (2), s. 1-21.

Cooren, François (2020). “Beyond entanglement: (Socio-)materiality and organization studies”. Organization Studies, 1 (3), s. 1-24.

Cooren, François; Kuhn, Timothy; Cornelissen, Joep P. & Clark, Timothy (2011). “Communication, organizing and organization: An overview and introduction to the special issue”. Organization Studies, 32 (9), s. 1149-1170.

Coreen, François & Martine, Thomas (2016). “Communicative constitution of organizations”. I: Jensen, Klaus Bruhn & Craig, Robert T. (red.). The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, s. 1-9

Cooren, François; Matte, Frédérik; Benoit-Barné, Chantal & Brummans, Boris H. J. M. (2013). “Communication as ventriloquism: A grounded-in-action approach to the study of organizational tensions”. Communication Monographs, 80 (3), s. 255-277.

Dobusch, Leonhard & Schoeneborn, Dennis (2015). “Fluidity, identity, and organizationality: The communicative constitution of Anonymous”. Journal of Management Studies, 52 (8), s. 1005-1035.

Husted, Emil; Just, Sine N.; du Plessis, Erik Mygind & Dahlman, Sara (2023). “The communicative constitution of atomization: Online prepper communities and the crisis of collective action”. Journal of Communication, 73 (4), s. 368-381.

Koschmann, Matthew A. (2016). “The communicative accomplishment of collaboration failure”. Journal of Communication, 66 (3), s. 409-432.

McPhee, Robert D. & Zaug, Pamela (2000). “The communicative constitution of organizations: A framework for explanation”. Electronic Journal of Communication, 10 (1-2), s. 1-16

Schoeneborn, Dennis; Blaschke, Steffen; McPhee, Robert D.; Seidl, David & Taylor, James R. (2014). “Three schools of CCO thinking: Interactive dialogue and systemic comparison”. Management Communication Quarterly, 28 (2), s. 285-316.