
Instagram Instagram er en mobil fotodelingsapplikation, som blev lanceret i 2010. I 2012 blev applikationen opkøbt af Facebook for en mia. dollars og har siden da været en del af Facebooks forretningsgrundlag. Med sine mere end 700 mio. aktive brugere på verdensplan (Constine 2017a) er Instagram et af de mest populære sociale medier, hvis omdrejningspunkt […]

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Emneredaktør David Mathieu
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@polityinstabookBakhshi, Shamma & Gilbert 2014, Highfield & Leaver 2014, Hochman & Manovich 2013, Hu, Manikonda & Kambhampati 2014, Thorlacious 2018


Bakhshi, Saeideh; Shamma, David A. & Gilbert, Eric (2014). “Faces engage us: Photos with faces attract more likes and comments on Instagram.” CHI ’14: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, Canada, 26. april – 1. maj, s. 965-974. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Bayer, Joseph B.; Ellison, Nicole B.; Schoenebeck, Sarita Y. & Falk, Emily B. (2016). “Sharing the small moments: ephemeral social interaction on Snapchat.” Information, Communication & Society, 19 (7), s. 956-977. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Carah, Nicholas & Shaul, Michelle (2015). ”Brands and Instagram: Point, tap, swipe, glance.” Mobile Media & Communication, 4 (1), s. 69-84. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Constine, Josh (2016). “Instagram CEO on Stories: Snapchat deserves all the credit.” Techcrunch.Com, 2. august. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Constine, Josh (2017a). “Instagram’s growth speeds up as it hits 700 million users.” Techcrunch.Com, 26. april. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Constine, Josh (2017b). “Instagram Stories is stealing Snapchat’s users.” Techcrunch.Com, 30. januar. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Filimonov, Kirill; Russmann, Uta & Svensson, Jakob (2016). “Picturing the Party: Instagram and Party Campaigning in the 2014 Swedish Elections.” Social Media + Society, 2 (3), s. 1-11. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Gibbs, Martin; Meese, James; Arnold, Michael; Nansen, Bjorn & Carter, Marcus (2015). “#Funeral and Instagram: death, social media, and platform vernacular.” Information, Communication & Society, 18 (3), s. 255-268. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

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Highfield, Tim (2017). “Social TV and depiction of community on social media: Instagram and Eurovision fandom.” I: Messaris, Paul & Humphreys, Lee (red.). Digital Media: Transformations in Human Communication. 2. udg. New York: Peter Lang s. 156-165 [1. udg. 2007]

Highfield, Tim & Leaver, Tama (2014). “A methodology for mapping Instagram hashtags.” First Monday, 20 (1). [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Highfield, Tim & Leaver, Tama (2016). “Instagrammatics and digital methods: Studying visual social media, from selfies and GIFs to memes and emoji.” Communication Research and Practice, 2 (1), s. 47-62. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Hochman, Nadav & Manovich, Lev (2013). “Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the local through social media.” First Monday, 18 (7). [Tilgængelig på: <doi:> (Set 01.2018)]

Hu, Yuheng; Manikonda, Lydia & Kambhampati, Subbarao (2014). “What We Instagram: A First Analysis of Instagram Photo Content and User Types.” Proceedings of the Eighth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Ann Arbor, Michigan, US, 1.-4. juni, s. 595-598. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Klastrup, Lisbeth (2016). Sociale netværksmedier. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur

Kofoed, Jette & Larsen, Malene Charlotte (2016). ”A snap of intimacy: Photo-sharing practices among young people on social media.” First Monday, 21 (11). [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Kolbeck, Julie (2017). “Snapchat vs. Instagram: Hvilket ‘story’-format er bedst?” Bureaubiz, 25. april. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

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Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). “Top Users and Long Tails: Twitter and Instagram Use During the 2015 Norwegian Elections.” Social Media + Society, 3 (2), s. 1-12. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Leaver, Tama & Highfield, Tim (2018). “Visualising the ends of identity: Pre-birth and post-death on Instagram.” Information, Communication & Society, 21 (1), s. 30-45. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

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Smith, Lauren Reichart & Sanderson, Jimmy (2015). “I’m Going to Instagram It! An Analysis of Athlete Self-Presentation on Instagram.” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 59 (2), s. 342-358. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Thorlacious, Lisbeth (2018). Visuel kommunikation på digitale medier. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur

Tiggemann, Marika & Zaccardo, Mia (2016). “‘Strong is the new skinny’: A content analysis of #fitspiration images on Instagram.” Journal of Health Psychology. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

Tiidenberg, Katrin & Baym, Nancy K. (2017). “Learn It, Buy It, Work It: Intensive Pregnancy on Instagram.” Social Media + Society, 3 (1), s. 1-13. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]

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Zappavigna, Michele (2016). “Social media photography: construing subjectivity in Instagram images.” Visual Communication, 15 (3), s. 271-292. [Tilgængelig på: <> (Set 01.2018)]