Alternative organisationsformer

Alternative organisationsformer Indenfor organisationsanalyse og organisationsteori har studiet af alternative organisationsformer etableret sig som en særlig niche, der også har vundet indpas i organisationskommunikation. Her er fokus på organisationer, der på den ene eller anden måde udgør et alternativ til den herskende orden. Hvor de dominerende organisationsformer defineres ud fra økonomiske, sociale og/eller politiske normer […]

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Christensen 2021, Gulbrandsen, Just & Uldam 2022


Christensen, Jannick Friis (2018). “Queer organizing and performativity: Towards a norm-critical conceptualization of organizational intersectionality”. ephemera, 18 (1), s. 103-130.

Christensen, Jannick Friis (2021). “Orange feelings and reparative readings, or how I learned to know alternative organization at Roskilde Festival”. Culture and Organization, 27 (2), s. 152-170.

Dahlman, Sara; du Plessis, Erik Mygind; Husted, Emil & Just, Sine N. (2022). “Alternativity as freedom: Exploring tactics of emergence in alternative forms of organizing”. Human Relations, 75 (10), s. 1961-1985.

Gulbrandsen, Ib T.; Just, Sine N. & Uldam, Julie (2022). “S(t)imulating resistance: Corporate responses to the Trump presidency”. Organization, 29 (1), s. 106-128.

Just, Sine N.; De Cock, Christian & Schaefer, Stephan M. (2021). “From antagonists to allies? Exploring the critical performativity of alternative organization”. Culture and Organization, 27 (2), s. 89-97.

Maeckelbergh, Marianne (2011). “Doing is believing. Prefiguration as strategic practice in the alterglobalization movement”. Social Movement Studies, 10 (1), s. 1-20.

Obama, Barack (2008). Super Tuesday.

Parker, Martin; Cheney, George; Fournier, Valérie & Land, Chris (2014). The Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization. London: Routledge

Zanoni, Patrizia; Contu, Alessia; Healy, Stephen & Mir, Raza (2017). “Post-capitalistic politics in the making: The imaginary and praxis of alternative economies”. Organization, 24 (5), s. 577-588.