
Gyser Gyserfilm (også kaldet horrorfilm) har spillet en væsentlig rolle i populærkulturen siden filmmediets opkomst, og genren har rødder i en endnu ældre litterær gysertradition (Kendrick, W. 1991, Punter 1996). Selv om uhyggelige historier kan spores langt tilbage i historien, bl.a. til mundtlige religiøse og mytiske fortællinger, peger forskere typisk på den gotiske skrækromantik som […]

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Forfatter Mathias Clasen
Emneredaktør Birger Langkjær
Supplerende læsning

Carroll 1990, Clasen 2017, Cherry 2009, Hutchings 2004, Prince 2004


Carroll, Noël (1990). The Philosophy of Horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New York: Routledge

Cherry, Brigid (2009). Horror. (Routledge Film Guidebooks). New York / Milton Park: Routledge

Clasen, Mathias F. (2004). Homo Timidus: Om gys og gru – med fokus på danske horrorforfattere. Sorø: Tellerup

Clasen, Mathias F. (2017). Why Horror Seduces. New York: Oxford University Press

Freud, Sigmund (1919). “Das Unheimliche.” Imago, 5 (5-6), s. 297-324 [Da. overs. 1998]

Freud, Sigmund (1998). Det uhyggelige. Overs. af Hans Christian Fink. Med forord og efterskrifter ved Niels Otto Steen og
Steen Visholm. (Rævens Sorte Bibliotek). København: Forlaget Politisk Revy [2.udg. 2017, med efterord af Joakim Rohde]

Grodal, Torben (2009). Embodied Visions: Evolution, Emotion, Culture, and Film. New York: Oxford University Press

Hantke, Steffen (2014). “Science Fiction and Horror in the 1950s.” I: Benshoff, Harry M. (red.). A Companion to Horror Film. Malden, Mass.: John Wiley, s. 255-72

Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra (2014). Found Footage Horror Films: Fear and the Appearance of Reality. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland

Hogle, Jerrold & Smith, Andrew (2009). “Revisiting the Gothic and Theory: An Introduction.” Gothic Studies, 11 (1), s. 1-8

Hutchings, Peter (2004). The Horror Film. Harlow: Pearson Longman [Genoptr. 2013, Routledge]

Kendrick, James (2014). “Slasher Films and Gore in the 1980s.” I: Benshoff, Harry M. (red.). A Companion to the Horror Film. Malden, Mass.: John Wiley, s. 310-328

Kendrick, Walter M. (1991). The Thrill of Fear: 250 Years of Scary Entertainment. New York: Grove Weidenfeld

Loewenstein, Adam (2005). Shocking Representation: Historical Trauma, National Cinema, and the Modern Horror Film. New York: Columbia University Press

Phillips, Kendall R. (2005). Projected Fears: Horror Films and American Culture. Westport, Conn.: Praeger

Prince, Stephen (2004). “Introduction: The Dark Genre and Its Paradoxes.” I: Prince, Stephen (red.). The Horror Film. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, s. 1-11

Punter, David (1996). The Literature of Terror: A History of Gothic Fictions from 1765 to the Present Day. 2. udg. New York: Longman [1.udg. 1980. 2.udg. anført som Bd. 1. Bd. 2 udg. 1996]

Reyes, Xavier Aldana (2016). “Introduction: What, Why, and When Is Horror Fiction?” I: Reyes, Xavier Aldana (red.). Horror: A Literary History. London: The British Library, s. 7-17

Riber Christensen, Jørgen (2012). “Monstervisualiseringer.” I: Riber Christensen, Jørgen (red.). Monstrologi: frygtens manifestationer. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag, s. 43-74

Rockoff, Adam (2011). Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film, 1978-1986. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland

Schubart, Rikke (1993). I lyst og død: Fra Frankenstein til splatterfilm. København: Borgen

Schubart, Rikke (2009). “Torture Porn.” Filmmagasinet Ekko, 21. november. Tilgængelig på <> (Set 01.01.2018)

Wester, Maisha (2015). “Torture Porn and Uneasy Feminisms. Rethinking (Wo)men in Eli Roth’s Hostel Films.” I: Grant, Barry Keith (red.). The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. 2. udgave. Austin: University of Toronto Press, s. 305-28 (1. udg. 1996)

Wisker, Gina (2005). Horror Fiction: An Introduction. (Continuum Introductions to Literary Genres). New York: Continuum

Wood, Robin (1979). “An Introduction to the American Horror Film.” I: Britton, Andrew; Lippe, Richard; Williams, Tony & Wood, Robin (red.). American Nightmare: Essays on the Horror Film. Toronto: Festival of Festivals, s. 7-28