Scannell, Paddy

Paddy Scannell Paddy Scannell (1943-) var fra begyndelsen af 1970’erne ansat som professor ved University of Westminster, London og var fra 2006 til 2016 professor ved Department of Communication Studies, University of Michigan, USA. Scannell er uddannet i engelsk litteratur ved Oxford University, England, og grundlagde i 1979 sammen med en række kolleger fagtidsskriftet Media, […]

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Forfatter Ib Poulsen
Emneredaktør Jesper Tække
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Scannell 1994, Scannell 2004


Scannell, Paddy (1991). Broadcast Talk.  London: Sage Publications

Scannell, Paddy (1994). “Kommunikativ intentionalitet i radio og fjernsyn”. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 10 (22).

Scannell, Paddy (1996). Radio, Television and Modern Life: A Phenomenological Approach. Oxford / Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell

Scannell, Paddy (2002) “Big Brother as a television event”. Television & New Media, 2002-08, 3 (3), s. 271-282

Scannell, Paddy (2004). “Broadcasting historiography and historicality”. Screen, 45 (2), s. 130-141.

Scannell, Paddy (2010). Media and Communication. London: Sage Publications

Scannell, Paddy (2014). Televison and the Meaning of “Live”. Cambridge: Polity Press

Scannell, Paddy & Cardiff, David (1991). A Social History of British Broadcasting. Vol. 1: 1922-1939: Serving the Nation. Oxford: Basil Blackwell