Smart mobs

Smart mobs Smart mobs er grupper, der koordinerer adfærd ved hjælp af digital teknologi. Udtrykket kendes fra den amerikanske medieteoretiker Howard Rheingolds indflydelsesrige bog SMART MOBS: The Next Social Revolution fra 2002. I bogen sætter Rheingold fokus på, hvordan nye kommunikationsteknologier har skabt en ny form for mediebruger. Der tales ifølge Rheingold meget om kunstig […]

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Emneredaktør David Mathieu
Supplerende læsning

Castells, M. m.fl. 2007, Christakis & Fowler 2010, Turner, F. 2006


Castells, Manuel; Fernandez-ardevol, Mireia; Qiu, Jack Linchuan &  Sey, Araba  (2007). Mobile Communication and Society. A Global Perspective. (Information Revolution and Global Politics Series). Cambridge, Mass.:  MIT Press

Christakis, Nicholas A. & Fowler, James H. (2010). Connected. The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives. New York/Boston/London: Little, Brown and Company

Morozov, Evgeny (2011). The Net Delusion The Dark Side of Internet Freedom. New York: Perseus [Alt. titel: The Net Delusion. How Not to Liberate the World.]

Rheingold, Howard (2002). Smart Mobs. The Next Social Revolution. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus

Turner, Fred (2006). From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism. Chicago. The University of Chicago Press